KDE:Unstable:Playground is no more (or: adjustments in KDE repositories)
By einar
- CommentsAs you may know, there is an ongoing effort to rearrange and adjust the openSUSE KDE repositories. In line with the previously announced deletions, and more recent adjustments, a number of changes went into the organization and layout of the KDE repositories:
KDE:Distro:Factory and KDE:Release:4xy will now hold the “core” KDE packages: this means the base Development Platform, Workspaces and Applications, and additional applications for a basic desktop experience. Other, non-core packages have been moved to KDE:Extra
“Extra” packages that qualify as non-core are now in the KDE:Extra repository. If you are a previous user of KRxy or KDF, you might want to add the relevant Extra repository
KDE:Unstable:Playground is no more, replaced by KDE:Unstable:Extra
In addition, the repository page on the openSUSE wiki has been updated to reflect these changes. If in doubt, take a look there.
Should you have any additional questions, feel free to hop on #opensuse-kde on Freenode, or use the opensuse-kde mailing list.