Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “systemd”
October 18, 2015
Tip: opening and closing ports needed by a systemd service
Recently I’ve been testing out murmur, server component, on my CentOS 7 server. Murmur requires specific ports being open to operate, and when using it I would open them manually, and close them after the session had been completed.
I found it pretty tedious: I wanted to wrap it into a single call to the service, so I could enable my user (via sudoers) to be able to start and stop the service without worrying about elevating permissions to start and stop the firewall.
December 15, 2012
Systemd and KDE Workspaces in openSUSE 12.3
openSUSE is migrating to the use of systemd for the upcoming 12.3 version, given the difficulties that emerged in trying to co-maintain two different init systems (SysV + systemd). While I am not going into the details of this choice (I leave this to more informed people), this has some consequences for software higher in the stack.
As ConsoleKit is deprecated, systemd offers its own daemon to keep track of sessions and assigned seats in a system.